Saturday 22 August 2015

cCloud is Down – Pastebin login info changed

cCloud is down and has been hacked in the form of a user who changed the account login information on the public pastebin file. This cCloud hack has caused a stop of any stream updating until a better solution is found!

cCloud is down today after a user changed the public login information to the pastebin containing all of the live TV streams. cCloud used to be a public service relying on users to update a pastebin file with the latest IPTV streams in order to stay active and alive. Now, the pastebin has been taken offline and the streams list can no longer be updated.
The cCloud service is still working fine and all working live channels will remain that way. However, IPTV streams often go down over time and new servers have to be setup with the streams. This is where users upload the pastebin file with new information.
The cCloud stream list will not be updated until version 0.3 is released in the next few days and the cCloud administrator has said that he will pursue different ways of allowing users to update the stream list.
Read the official article from Bane, one of the cCloud administrators below:
Just an FYI. Some users asked If we were hacked.
No we are not hacked since the account login information was public so anyone could have changed anything but i just have hard time believing that someone will do suck thing but of f the awesome thing they forgot is cCloud doesn’t depend on a server. Backup is running everyday manually and automatically so for me having it change to different pastebin account will take probably less then 5 mins but i will be adding some restrictions and work on new guide on updating which will take more then 1 hour or so and making sure the new process won’t have same issue as pastebin.
Sad sad news!
Someone out there doesn’t seem like what we have to offer:(
Multiples users have reported today that they couldn’t login to pastebin account and when i tried to recover the account that person changed the recovery email as well. I was planning to stay with pastebin since all of the IPTV users are familiar with the platform but now this situation happened,I’m being forced to use alternative method instead. Another sad news is that i won’t be able to make any changes to the server for couple of days due to my busy work schedule as you all know i work two jobs along with it working on cCloud whenever i get free time. I can’t stay up all nights anymore due to my health condition since i didn’t sleep for two months when cCloud got viral so now i’m taking it slow and i hope the streams will be stable until v0.3 of Gotham Upload releases in couple days until then just wait for it…

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