Friday, 15 January 2016

iVue Not Working? iVue TV Guide Shut Down

iVue not working? The owner and developer of iVue TV guide has decided to pull the plug on the popular Kodi TV Guide EPG due to rising bandwidth usage and the increased amount of iVue usage on Kodi community builds.

An increased number of box sellers have used the iVue guide to promote live TV which has contributed to the increased bandwidth usage.
If iVue not working for you (which it won’t as of January 15th), first check out the official release below, which will answer your questions about what to do new.
First, let me say what a pleasure it is to interact with the members of the iVue community. The majority of users we see on a daily basis are respectful, appreciative and eager to help others. To you we say thank you, we wouldn’t be #TeamiVue without you. iVue was developed to provide the Kodi community with a pleasant, user friendly, epg experience at no cost to the end user. Quick, friendly support has always been part of our mission and as you are all aware, the ADMINS endeavor to provide this on a volunteer basis, 24/7 – 365.
Sadly, we have noticed a rapid increase in the number of users who are none of the above. Those who, mainly in search of financial gain, have decided it’s ok to leech, tear apart and modify the guide for their own gain. Id like to share with you some server figures from 12 Days of January alone
  Unique visitors                  Bandwidth
  Jan 2016 414,614               12911.99 GB
Ivue server is limited to 15Tb so you can imagine in December the host was not amused as we moved nearer 27Tb on a single domain. there is no way iVue carries this amount of users so the xml files are just being used all over the place.
iVue has always been FREE and will remain so. It is this growing minority who are simply abusing the bandwidth we have to offer have forced us to rethink what we do and how we do it. Because of them we are announcing the following changes for iVue TV Guide:
  • This group and all it’s information, files and links will be deleted.
  • A new group with strict admission rules has been created. Membership will be “invite only.”
  • We will continue to run using a temporary iVue2 config with user and pass integration
  • The new iVue3 will then be rolled out, with updated security, and great new features and will only be released to members.
  • More detailed information will be provided to those who are members of the new group. and of course on the website
  • Website is or the new facebook invite only group is Team iVue
These changes will take effect as of the 15th of January.
We appreciate the builds and custom setups will be effected, for this we apologise but our hands are tied. Please remember and consider the implications when integrating iVue into a build or sales pitch and use common courtesy and ask us if you can do so…….. If you have a Kodi build and would like iVue integrated we will still of course consider this. Same goes for the many many box sellers using the service, We Will consider adding them to iVue but you’ll need to contact the admin team to discuss it.
OK SO MOVING FWD The new group will promote an atmosphere of friendly, community oriented assistance, provided in a professional, respectful manner. We ask for your patience as we implement these changes as we want to ensure your experience is as gratifying as ours.
We did not arrive at this decision lightly, many weeks of discussion and soul searching have gone into it’s implementation. To be frank, the leeches, modifiers, moaners and money seekers have taken the fun out of providing the service we love. Simply put, we have had enough of them. iVue has been around for years, we have some great followers but alas the majority of profiteers vastly out ways them and the grief we receive on a daily basis has just seriously taken the fun out of it all.
To those who come with us, we say welcome; we are excited to turn the page and begin this new venture. We are motivated and grateful. We aren’t leaving, we’re growing. iVue3 is exceeding our own expectations and we are certain you will love the new features as much as we do!
To those who we leave behind…good luck.
What do you think about iVue not working and being shut down?

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

11/01/2016 - RIP Genesis :'(

***Genesis Update.11th January.***

Originally lambda planned to release an update to Genesis that would include all the same features it had before along with all the improvements made. It was to include the same abundance of free links it used to have and support several new premium services. Unfortunately, with all of the lies and misinformation being spread by people that care for nothing more but hits/clicks/likes on social media Lambda has decided to put an end to Genesis.

So while Genesis will not continue the community is very fortunate to have the opportunity to enjoy his new add-on when released. It will definitely not be the same as Genesis but it will provide the same 'core' functionality implemented with the quality and reliability we have all come to expect from him.

I hope it was clear above but lambda feels very strongly about this so to be absolutely certain everyone understands I will repeat it. The 'less than reputable' people on social media that are spreading lies and misinformation for the sole purpose of getting more hits/clicks/likes on social media are damaging the community. If you want to support lambda, appreciate his efforts and enjoy using his add-ons you will stop supporting them. Ignore them completely and don't even say their names as that alone will likely give them that hit/click/like they are so desperately seeking.

Friday, 18 December 2015

AMObox TV apk is OUT! ENjoy

We couldn't make it easier!
‪#‎AMOboxTV‬ is here!
Não podíamos ter feito mais simples!
Chegou a #AMOboxTV


Thursday, 10 December 2015

AMObox Source and AMObox v3 lite

Boas Notícias! A source da ‪#‎AMOboxTV‬ para o ‪#‎Kodi‬ está finalmente [ON] 
smile emoticon


Good News! The #AMOboxTV source for #Kodi is finally [ON]

Preço de subscrição da Sport TV irá aumentar até aos 50 euros

Embora o aumento seja, para já, exclusivo ao mercado não-residencial, deverá também vir a afectar o consumidor final.

O acordo milionário assinado entre a NOS – que detém 50% da Sport TV – e o Benfica está prestes a ter reflexos no preço da subscrição do canal de desporto, já a partir de 1 de janeiro.O atual preço de 26,79 euros aumenta, para já, apenas para as empresas e hotelaria que, segundo o Tek, foram, inclusive, já notificados de que a subscrição passará a custar 50 euros por mês.Embora o aumento seja exclusivo a clientes do mercado não-residencial, a fatura do consumidor final deverá, também, ser revista brevemente, embora não seja, ainda, conhecido qual o valor.fonte

"IPTV Stalker" is going to stop working.

A New information has arrived.

"IPTV Stalker" is going to stop working. You may want to switch to pvr.stalker.nfps

"The server is going to be implementing username/password (your donation number) authentication very soon. This means IPTV stalker is going to stop working as it appears it is no longer being updated.. pvr.stalker and pvr.stalker.nfps are ready for this change.

I also suggest updating to kodi 16.. it is still in beta, and buggy, but its going to be out of beta fairly soon i think, looking at their previous releases track records.. I am not sure if pvr.stalker.nfps will be updated for kodi 15, time to move forward i say, but thats up to dvbken ultimately..

You will be able to get the new version of pvr.stalker.nfps directly form . The new version is not out yet, but you can get the current version and set it up to get yourself going. once the new version drops you will merely need to upgrade to it, the donation field is already in the current version so you shoudlnt have to change any settings when that day comes. 

Yes you can also keep using pvr.stalker that is included with Kodi as well as it already has username/password authentication, pvr.stalker.nfps just makes setup much easier."

Friday, 6 November 2015

This is why your Amazon Fire TV USB port is not working

By far, the most common question I’m asked is: Why isn’t my Fire TV’s USB port working? Hopefully people having this issue will find this post when searching for a solution. The most likely reason for the Fire TV to not recognizing a FAT32 USB drive, mouse, keyboard, or wired USB game controller is having “USB Debugging” enabled. In the Fire TV’s settings menu, if you scroll to the right to “System” and then down to “Developer Options” you’ll find an option called “USB debugging.” If that option is turned on, the USB port cannot be used with USB drives or peripherals. Turn it off and your USB port will start working again. To learn more about the Fire TV’s different developer options, see this post.